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Rise of the Iron Empress

By Lindie Waeke

Let all landed peoples of Cahoche attend this request. General Sweetbay c. Ironmark is amassing a force at Golden Hill with clear intent to coerce the council. Although the general is a fine governor of the north and commands loyalty, her brutality is inappropriate for command at state. Surely, were she emperor, she would escalate tensions with Menhana and drag us into war.

This councilor will not be threatened. Nor will Amo Scwilte c. Blackstrand, Otis Hoop c. Highside, Jolene Tarango c. Jutty, Byrnie Hush c. Oakcrest, Willa the Riot c. Marchland, or Adelaya Babin c. Lands-On-Sea.

People of Cahoche, urge your councilors of Loa, Redwater, and Breakbottle to stand against this rogue general. People of the outlands do the same! Surely Groatmark and Eastmark cannot allow this! What of the fine people of the Gift? Are their own generals not better suited to command? We must all stand against the would-be usurper from Ironmark, for if not now, then we may never.

Missive from Blue Landry c. Folk

Within the year, General Sweetbay was elected empress by all votes but those of Folk, and Jutty. Evidence was brought against Blue Landry for conspiracy with Pentamic separatists and he was put to death. Jolene Tarango took up generalship in the Southern Navy and the councilorship for Jutty passed to Salmon Derwit.