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Argument Against the Supernatural

by Penrace Ankhum

Indictment of Faith

The traditional religions of the world rely upon faith as a foundation for their beliefs. When a question cannot be easily answered they bid a person to rely upon faith. Faith by its very nature is the belief that entities or forces exist that are unobservable, that cannot be measured in their being or their effects. If indeed an entity or force is unobservable, unmeasurable, and unverifyable, then it cannot have much of an effect on the world. Althought its existence can never be disproven, such an entity must by its very nature be so insignificant as to merit no further consideration.


Opponents of the empiric method cite magic and miracles as proof of the supernatural. This is not so. Many things once thought to be due to magic are demonstrably explainable by science. Those things that science cannot yet explain are but its next challenges. When close examination of so-called magical events have been undertaken, the chemical and physical forces at play are often documented. There have as yet been no closely examined magical practices that have not been subsequently explainable by science. As more magical events are examined, no doubt, they too will prove explainable.

The World Ordered According to Science

All matter is made up of chemicals which are mixtures of the elements. These chemicals interact to produce all the effects of the world both organic and inorganic. In these chemical and physical reactions, matter is changed from one form to another, but is conserved. In this way there is no beginning and no end, simply an everlasting reaction. There is no soul, no afterlife, no existence for any individual once their reaction, their life ceases. Their matter merely becomes part of other reactions.