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What art is not drawn by me is public domain, sourced from Old Book Illustrations, and edited by me to fit the format and tone of the Opera Occulta project.



The mundane pieces of the world are explainable by science. The denizens are comfortable in their familiar and stratified society. However, much of Hamaraz cannot be explained by science. Characters, when faced with these phenomena beyond their comprehension, must adapt or descend into madness.


Noble Dark: Hamaraz is a dark and harsh place where society is forged in the blood of past conquests. Danger abounds both within civilization and outside it. There is little means of bettering oneself without utilizing mystical powers. Still, with danger ever present, the downtrodden must look out for one another and will often help a weary traveler. Even a few of the nobility who wish to better society will use their resources to combat the forces of darkness.

Recurring Themes

Character Agency

People can do much to change the course of events, at least with respect to their own fate and that of their families.

