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Phylogeny of Unnatural Creatures

By Sewyn the Younger

Creatures of the Mortal Plane

Note: Included among the creatures of the mortal plane are those more commonly encountered in Paradise. This is because these creatures too originated upon the mortal plane. They originate in remote areas with an abundance of natural magic. They are formed by natural magic and have an innate ability to harness the soul of the region as well as their own abundant store of soul. They therefore are still best classified as creatures of the mortal plane.


Angels are humanoid in appearance with bird-like wings. They are most often encountered in desert and mountain regions. They are often willing to communicate with humans, but are equally prone to cause harm as they are to offer assistance. Although some human lineages claim partial angelic ancestry, no hybrids have ever been confirmed.


Centaurs have the upper body of a human and the lower body of a horse. They are most often encountered in heavily forested regions. Although they are able, centaurs are largely unwilling to communicate with humans and equally unwilling to either assist or harm those who seek them.


Dragons have the body of a lizard or serpent and sometimes too have bat-like wings. They can often breathe fire. Dragons are most often encountered in mountainous regions and along frozen coasts. Some have been recorded communicating with humans, but their ability to do so is doubtful. They will typically harm any who seek them.


Giants appear like normal animals or humanoids, but much larger. The humanoid forms can communicate with humans, but are unlikely to do so. Giants of all types are generally hostile to humans. Despite this, hybrids between humans and humanoid giants have been recorded.


Griffons have the upper body of an eagle and the lower body of a lion. Their wings are immune to fire. They are encountered exclusively in mountainous areas. Their mortal enemy is the dragon. Griffons cannot communicate with humans. They will typically harm any humans who seek them out with a notable exception. A griffon will protect a human from a dragon, however none can say whether the griffon would turn on the human once the dragon is vanquished.


Sphinxes have the upper body of a human, the lower body of a lion, and the wings of an eagle. Some believe they are a rare variant of griffon. They are encountered exclusively in the desert. Female sphinxes will readily communicate with humans, but are more prone to harm than to help. Male sphinxes are unlikely to involve themselves with humans.


Unicorns appear much like horses, but with a single straight horn protruding from the forehead and a tail like that of an ox. They are encountered in heavily forested areas. Unicorns cannot communicate with humans. There is speculation that they can communicate with horses. Unicorns are more likely to help than harm, but generally will shun mankind and offer neither. Although similar in their native lands and their relationships to mankind, unicorns and centaurs are rivals and will not coexist in the same area.

Creatures of Hell


Demons have a complex lifecycle that follows one of two paths.

The most common life cycle begins with demon dust. This dust is shed by mature demons and settles within the soil. It absorbs the soul in an area, draining the region of its magic. Nothing grows in areas rich in demon dust. This dust concentrates within the bodies of the damned and travels with their soul to Hell. Once within the soils of Hell the dust gives rise to demonlings.

Demonlings resemble maggots and feed on the soul present in rotting organic matter. They continue to grow until they reach about six feet in length with a two to three foot diameter. At this time they will spin a cocoon of demonsilk and become a pupa.

Pupae do little. They internally undergo the process of change from the maggot-like demonling into the roughly humanoid, mature demon. Most demons are culled at the pupal stage in order to harvest the demonsilk of their cocoons.

Mature demons appear humanoid with bat-like wings, bird-like claws, and a rat-like tail. They have the ability to shapeshift and will rarely be seen in their base form. Mature demons possess intelligence equivalent or greater to that of humans and devise complex methods to accumulate vast quantities of soul. By consequence of their soul collection, they are gifted in magic. Mature demons shed dust throughout their lives.

The alternate and much rarer demonic life cycle proceeds in the fashion of humans. Demons are generally hostile to other demons, accounting for the rarity of this life cycle. More common is the creation of hybrids, which have been recorded with most other humanoid species.


Doll-flies are much like blow-flies, with gray-black bodies up to half an inch in length and transparent wings. In contrast to mortal blow-flies, however, doll-flies have humanoid faces. They feed upon the excrement of demonlings and magmochs.


Hellhounds, despite being natives of Hell, are more often encountered on the mortal plane. They are like large wolves, except entirely black, with red eyes and yellow teeth. They can, across a vast expanse, catch the scent of Hell and will drag to Hell any beings of Hell they encounter on the mortal plane. Hellhounds feed upon magmochs. They are most often seen on open plains, moors, and sea-ice. They cannot communicate with humans and are unwilling to either interfere with those unaffiliated with Hell.


Magmochs are the fiery cattle of Hell. Their hides are metallic and their horns and hooves are like iron. They feed upon demon pupae or mortal flesh and are themselves eaten by both hellhounds and mature demons. When slaughtered, their meat is already cooked. To humans the meat has the taste and texture of charcoal. Magmochs cannot communicate with humans and will most likely trample and consume any humans they encounter.

Undead Creatures


A ghost is the disembodied spirit of a dead human. They are beings of soul alone, and therefore have a remarkable ability to use magic, but its use hastens their demise. Although unnerving, they are not uniformly evil. Some have proven beneficial to their living relatives.


A mummy is an embalmed corpse, consecrated in the southern fashion, but affixed with a curse that binds the immortal soul into the corpse. This was done in ancient times to prevent entry into the afterlife by unsavory individuals, or politically unpopular ones. The practice today is rare, except in the deep desert and the south-facing foothills of the Mountains of the Sun. Mummies are much like they were in life, except in most cases, incredibly vengeful. The only way a mummy can be released is to unbind the soul from the body. This task is difficult, yet a few practitioners remain in the deep desert who can. Often the mummies themselves seek release.


There are two relevant forms of vampire, the common vampire and the vampire-lord. The common vampire results from the vampiric exsanguination of an unwilling victim, whereas a vampire-lord results from the vampiric exsanguination of a willing victim. The vampire-lord must consume more blood than the common vampire to maintain its immortality, but also retains the ability to enjoy food, drink, and does not require sleep. Vampire lords can feed on common vampires. Common vampires can transform into bats, whereas vampire lords can transform into bats, dogs, or wolves.

A human can effectively hide from a vampire using garlic. The garlic inhibits the vampire’s ability to smell. This, however, does not protect against their exceptional night vision or hearing

Both common vampires and vampire-lords can be killed by exposure to sunlight, flowing water, holy water, or by driving a wooden stake through the heart. Common vampires can also be killed by piercing the heart with silver or iron. Although killable, vampire-lords can be resurrected.


A zombie is a corpse reanimated by necromancy. They have no thought, nor will of their own, but are merely puppets of the necromancer. Zombies can only be released by ending the necromancer’s spell, or through the death of the necromancer. They are more unnerving than they are dangerous, but can provide a similar physical threat to that of an average human.

Hybrid Creatures and Creatures Resulting from Curses


A changeling is the child of a human and a demon. They are by most measures human, but gifted in magic, naturally charismatic, often seek power, and are prone to evil impulses.


An aelf is the child of a human and a giant. They are by most measures human, but tall and broad in stature, gifted in magic and music, and moreso than the average human are ruled by their passions.


A werewolf is a rare occurrence. It is a human cursed by transformations into a wolf-like creature during the full moon. The initial curse has historically arisen by multiple means, but after the original accursed individual has passed their first full moon, they can transmit the curse like a disease. Transmission has only been documented during the full moon, but it is unknown whether or not the werewolf is able to spread the curse at all times. The mechanism of transmission is unknown but thought to be through bite, touch, or other close contact. Transmission through air or water is unlikely as it has never been documented despite werewolves living in close proximity to unaffected humans.