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Creed of the Resolute

Approved by the Council of Calgoan, AS 226

Reisolus is Lord and creator of all things.
There are no gods such as he.
Borello, Faveza, Libernio, and Aphelia serve Reisolus.
The saints serve Reisolus.
It is right to serve Reisolus.

Those who serve Reisolus will in death be granted entry into Heaven.
Entry is granted when service to Reisolus is complete. Those who serve only themselves will in death serve Shadoun.
On the last day Reisolus will open the gates of Hell and judge the souls who toil there.
Reisolus is merciful and some lost souls may yet be granted entry into heaven on that day.
We should pray for Reisolus' mercy for we are all sinners.

Reisolus grants forgiveness to those who atone for their sins.
When atonement cannot be given, blood of the innocent must be sacrificed.
The sacrifice must be made by the sinner or by a priest.
It is right to make sacrifices to Reisolus.